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Calendula Soap

100 gram bar





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About this product

Our base soap recipe is enriched with pure Calendula oil and Calendula petals to create a bar suitable for sensitive skin. Calendula is known for being anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, helping to aid those suffering with dry skin conditions, Calendula oil can also help the appearance of the skin making it more plump, tight, and supple.

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Naturally occurring allergens:

Read Product Care

Handmade soap naturally has a high glycerine content, which is great for your skin – but is also means the soap attracts water. If left standing in water your soap will break down quickly. 

To prolong the lifespan of your bar, we suggest it’s placed on a self-draining soap dish and away from the stream of water and allowed to dry (we stock a selection of suitable soap dishes). 

Unused soaps need to be stored in a cool, dry place – preferably not the bathroom. A linen cupboard is great (plus, the soap will make your linens smell good.


As with any soap, keep it out of your eyes or it will sting (rinse thoroughly with plain water if this occurs) and discontinue use if irritation develops. 

Please check the ingredients if you have allergies.

Be aware that some soaps have ingredients that could irritate sensitive skin (citrus etc).

Soap is slippery when wet, so take care not to step on a bar while in the shower.

Happy bathing!

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